How to Slim a Round Face
hello guys so today I am very excited because I've been wanting to do this article for a whileso we are going to be teaching you I'mgoing to be teaching you how to kind of slim down a round face as you can see Ido have a round face and I feel like myface fluctuates a lot depending on youknow what I eat how much I'm sleepingyada yada yadaI really feel like that kind of stuffaffects my face so I've kind ofdeveloped my own little techniques andideas on how to slim my face as best asI see fit so I kind of want to share that with you because I know I mean Ifeel like a lot of you probably have you know you know maybe similar face shapeto me that like to watch my articles orsimilar coloring or something I don'tknow I feel like I have to be relatablein some way or form to you guys for youguys to want to watch my articles so forthose of you this is for those of youthat do have round faces this isdefinitely going to be a helpful article I think I hope because I'm going to begoing through the products that I usespecific techniques that I do and alsospecific tools because tools are soimportant I don't know how many times I could stress that honestly not enoughbecause they're very very very very important so finding the right brushesthe right kind of brushes the rightshape brushes you know all that jazzwe're going to be going over all of thattwo days so if you're excited just keepwatching don't forget to pleasesubscribe to my channel if you want tosee more of my articles I am doing a hugedrugstore series on my channel right nowso if you are liking if you likedrugstore makeup and you want to see alot of drugstore articles then you knowcome on over to the little fambamjoin the party over here and yeah soalright let's get started first off Iwant to talk about the type of productsthat I'm going to be using so we aregoing to be going over contouringbronzing highlighting and blush thoseare the steps of the face that I thinkcan really really make or break a makeuplooks so for me I typically tend toreach for powder so that's what I'mgoing to be using in this article if youdo like creams there's no problem withthat if you find that easier to workwith cream based products definitely youcan go ahead and do that and you canpretty much use this atips and tricks that I'm going to beshowing you guys this look weird thatlittle little fishtail back there youcan pretty much use the same techniquesthat I'm going to be sharing with youguys with cream products but yeah for meI like to use powders most of the timeso we are going to start off withcontour now contouring it can changeyour face shape tremendously I feel likea lot of us already know that by now butthere are definitely different ways tocontour and I feel like a lot of times Isee people contouring the exact same wayno matter what their face shape is whichI don't think is the most beneficial wayI mean it can definitely give you somemore definition but it's not going to bethe most effective way to slim down yourface if you have a round face shape sothe product that I'm going to be usingtoday to contour is one of my favoriteproducts of all time so this is maccosmetics shapes or sculpting powderit's just in a single little pin that Iput into this palette but that is theactual product and I Willis all theproducts down below in case you want tocheck them out or if you're interestedin the exact products that I'm using buthonestly any contouring palette that youhave at home will do or even anycontouring shade a couple really niceones are the NYX NYX contouring palettethe ABH contour palette is really goodand the Kat Von D pat very very good allthree of those but yeah this is what I'mgoing to be using so I think thatbrushes are one of the most importantthings to take into consideration whenyou are contouring and now I don't thinka lot of people talked about this and Idon't know why because it makes such adifference so there are tons ofdifferent shaped contouring brushes asyou guys probably know these are mythree favorite shapes that I reach forthe mostso the first one is this one this isactually the one that I use on most daysso this is the Sigma small contour fo5 Ilove that has like a rounded brush and Ithink kind of like buff in the productand really really get that sculptedcheekbones look the second one that Ireally like is actually the morphe r8and most circumstances I don't like thebrushes that are super flat like thisfor my face shape or for round faceshapes in general but this one I likebecause it's not synthetic it's anatural hair bristle brush natural hairbristles brushyou guys know what I mean but because ofthat it actually blends in the powder ispretty smoothly so I like this one a lotand then the last one my ride-or-die Mac168 this is such a amazing contouringbrush this is not really I don't thinkthis is really meant for contouring Imean it might be I don't really know youknow makeup is makeup and there's rulesbut they are to be broken but this oneis personally one of my favorite brushesI would say these two are the ones thatI reach for the mostout of any of it there was a time whereI would not put this down like probablysix months where I never use anothercontour brush so very solid options bothof these and the more if you want aswell just depends kind of what shapeyou're looking for but I would recommendany three of these shapes I'm going totry to show you one that I would notrecommend so I would not recommendsomething like this for contouring justbecause you want to stay away fromanything too fluffy and too wide becausethat is going to really make too harshof lines so definitely stay away fromanything like that and you'll be good togoI think for today I will use the Islewhich I use out of these two I love bothof these so much so it's really hard forme to choose okay I think I'm going touse this one so the Sigma smile contourI take a little bit of the productI do tap off the excess just so that wedon't get too much and then I'll juststart going in on my cheekbones and thetrick to contouring for a round face isnot to bring it too much towards thenose so you want to stop it about maybehalfway towards the eye I find that thatmakes the best shape if you bring it intoo much it will actually make your facelook shorter thus making it look moreround so definitely don't take it toofar in as you may see in like somediagrams that that are all overInstagram I only recommend taking ittowards maybe half the eye at most andwhen you're contrary you always want tobe blending upwards or blendingbackwards towards the ear so that is thebest way to get that kind of swooped uplook that we're all going for and ifyou're blending inward you are going tokind of be closing out the face a littlebit more so those are kind of like mytechniques on how to get the contourexactly perfect and you definitelydefinitely definitely do not want totake it too wide as wellif youknow much about contouring andhighlighting you know contouring is whatbrings stuff in highlighting is whatbrings us out look at me like thisbecause okay my nail broke these are myreal nails too so I'm like really upsetbecause what do I do now like do I justcut all them or do I just get a steaknow put on just a pinkie and then justlet it let it be let it live over thereI was so upset when this happened notgoing to lie but anyway so back tocontrary when you are trying to slimyour face you do want to apply contourto the outer corners of the face or theouter edge of the face I should say so Ijust take that same exact brush sameproduct Mac shade stir and I start to goacross the kind of pimples and I blendthis in really close to my hairline anddisperse the product outwards after thatso that it looks very flawless but thisis going to be key in giving you thatslimmed down effect because we want thatall-over crook right on the side sothat's why we are adding a lot ofcontour to those areas you see what adifference that already makes if youjust do this line it will look it willactually widen it because you're makinga line here but not closing it off sothis part is essential I'm telling youit is key as DJ Khaled would say sodefinitely blend it into this cornerover here so that we can you know reallywork to slim down the sides of the faceare you now moving to a board this is amistake that I made for years and Inever really realized that is actuallymaking my face look more round so what Ineed you guys to do right now do not goanother second without doing this neverever ever if you have a round face ifyou have a different shape face this isactually perfectly fine but if you havea round face do not put bronzer orcontour right in the middle here youwant to keep it only on the sides of theface because if you put it here it willshrink down your face and thus make itlook more round if you put it here it'sagain going to have a slimming effectmaking it look a little bit longer andyou know let's round so what I'm goingto do I'm literally still using the samebrush the same powder and I just goahead and kind of buff that powder okaylittle heavy-handed there but I just goahead and kind of like buff that powderinto the sides of the temple here and Iwill sometimes take like a biggerfluffier powder brush and just kind ofbuff out the edges of this guy justbecause obviously on the forehead youdon't want it to be too harsh because itcan look a little crazy sometimes butlike I said do not mark my words do notput anything right here because it willmake your face look more round and whilewe're here I do go ahead and contour thenose although you know this may not havelike a direct impact on the actual faceshape it does kind of just slimeverything down so I do recommendcontouring the nose if you guys want meto do like a separate article just oncontouring the nose or like maybecontouring the nose for beginners orsomething like that I could totally dothat because I feel like that's justlike a article in itself but next we aregoing to move to bronzers now bronzersfor me I use it mostly to blend out thecontour and just add some more warmthinto the face but it really does have abig effect on the sliminess of the faceas well because of where you place thebrowser so you can use any bronzer thatyou like really anything you have onhand there's tons of amazing runners outthere this is what I've been usingrecently the Maybelline fit me matte andporeless foundation I really like usingfoundation powder foundations asbronzers because it just gives you alittle bit more coverage and just areally flawless finish especially thisone so let me talk about brushes realquick these are the two brushes that Ireach for the mostfor bronzers and I know they're verydifferent shapes but they are bothbeautiful in their own right so this oneis the japonesque blush brush i believebut it's great for bronzer it has a nicetaper tip it does have natural hairbristles which are the best for powdersin my opinion and you can just kind oflike blend it out blend it out and it'sgood to gothis one is a definitely a ride-or-diebrush for me I love this brush more thanlife itself okay I'm being overdramaticthere but I really love this brush thisis the Mac cosmetics 135 and the reasonI love this there are tons of bronzerbrushes who I'm getting tongue-tiedthere's tons of bronze bronzer brusheson the market that are have the domeshape but this one in particular I likebecause it is actually thin so you canhave aprecise application and when you have around face I'm telling you girl or boyor you know whoever's out there that hasa round base that wants to swim it downit will definitely make a differencelike look at the difference betweenthese two there this is almost halfsized and I'm telling you for precisionyou're going to want to have somethinglike this so this is what I'll be usingtoday and I just take it into thebronzer that I'm going to be using todayand I go ahead and start blending out sowhat you want to do as far as theplacement of the bronzer you want toplace it directly above where you putthe contour down and start to blend outthe edges of the contour and start towarm up the face do not under anycircumstances take this bronzer too farup towards the middle of the face ortowards the eye that is going to roundout the face even more you definitelydon't want that so you want to keep itat a precise level if that makes senseso that's what I'm saying about thebrush it's really important to use abrush that allows you to get thatprecision but still blend out thecontour as best as possible at thispointa lot of people will actually go in andbake right here I'm sure a lot of youhave seen that you know on Instagram andYouTube I do not find that that worksbest for my shape or my face shape Idefinitely don't because again that isgoing to be almost like shrinking thelength of our face which we don't wantif we want it to look slimmer and lessround so if you go like this you can seeit's just cutting off like a little bitof your cheeks so that's why I actuallylike to take my contour a little bitmore down on an angle so I just wantedto quickly mention that because I'm notgonna be doing that you know if anythingI say it does work for you for somereason then for sure definitely go aheadand keep doing it but I'm just sharingkind of like my tips and what I find toreally work the best for me so favoritepart coming up coming at ya we're goingto do some highlighting so I'm going tobe using this jus a highlighter in theshade citrine and then the Sigmastrobing fan at 40 - you guys know thisis my favorite highlighter brush becauseagain I just like brushes that allowedme to have precision while still givingme maximum pigmentation of the productsso I just take this on to my littlebrush like so the biggest thing I findwith highlighting is younot want to make a stripe from here tohere like you see a lot of time you knowon Instagram and wherever I see so manygirls and it looks beautiful on themdon't get me wrong it looks amazingmaking this kind of like stripes ofhighlighter but seriously guys for methat does not work whatsoever becauseagain you're highlighting this outercorner or this outer part of the faceand that is going to then widen the faceespecially in pictures when you'retaking pictures with flash photographywell I've done that and it is nextpretty because it's like literally likejust widening widening my face I meanit's popping the highlights popping butthe fit my face looks so much more roundbecause I have the highlighter goingwider out so what I found to work bestis to take the highlighter and almostapply it right definitely right on thetip that's like where I want the mosthighlight the most pop to be the mostwilling but I take it and I almost makelike a little C shape I do put a littlebit on the brow bone so I make a littleC shape like this do not take it outtowards this area because that willdefinitely widen it like I just said sohere we go I'm going to be doing itshowing you a little example I'm makinga little C shape towards the brow bonefilling in the brow bone and thenbringing the product back down andblending this out don't you know feelfree to blend it out and make sure thatit looks nice and flawless but like Isaid don't try to take it too widebecause again highlighter is going towiden the look of your face and I dolike to highlight right down the tip ofthe nose as well as down the middle ofthe nose because I just feel like itcompletes the look I'm not going to saythat this is going to you know make orbreak the shape of your face by anymeans but I feel like it just kind ofyou know add to that slim down effectlast thing that I wanted to touch uponin this article blush now you may notthink that blush has too much to do witha girl it does so again I've made thismistake a million and one times that'swhy I know that it doesn't look great inpictures or I wouldn't say it doesn'tlook great but it definitely doesn'thelp in the matter if you're trying tomake your face look slimmer so what Ilike to do with a blush firstif you do have a rounder face I findthat rosier blushes actually do help outa little bit more than nude blusheshonestly you have you know me I lovenudes i would wear news every day of mylife if I could and I still do I stilldo wear nude blushes a lot because Iprefer them but as far as like picturesgo if you know that you're going to beyou know in photography or taking adriver's license picture or a passportpicture something like that I definitelywould recommend going with like a rosyor blush school pictures sugar oh goshyeah okay so I'm going to be using thisTarte cosmetics blush it's in the shadeslush and the brush that I'm using is aMac 137 now again you can see kind oflike a pattern in my brush options orlike my brush picks because I always gofor brushes that have precision and thatI can just get directly into the spotswhere I want them so I'm taking a littlebit of this product and I just like topop it right on the apples it reallyhelps when you smile a little bit likedo a little half smile and it can kindof find the apples of your cheeks and Iblend backwards now the trick is again Idon't like to take the blush too closeinto the middle of the face to close thenose so I like to keep it almost wherethat blush are sorryalmost where that bronzer ended right inthe middle of the eye and again blendingbackwards but not going too far outtowards the hairline and voila we haveslimmed out our face so these are thetechniques that really have worked forme I feel like they work really wellhonestly because I've tried everythingI've tried anything because like I saidmy face shape is actually like one of mybases security so um yeah I just I feellike this works for me so I hope it doeswork for you guys and you know helps youguys out if you are dealing withconfidence issues based on your faceshape like I have really dealt with inthe past and yeah also I wanted to do alittle giveaway so I'm going to begiving away the Oprah nikkietutorialscollection you get three liquid lips anda bomb-ass highlighter if you haven'ttried overs highlighters they are amazing like one of the best four Mo'sI've ever tried rodea dry you already know that was my fave but I wanted to give you guys this little gift not gift wellyeah it's a gift for me to you but I just wanted to do another little give away because I don't know I like tobe please like surprise giveaways they're like sneak attacks you guysdon't know what's coming and I usually just sprinkled in either like in themiddle or the end of the article so youknow you got like you don't stay tunedand it's really only going to be forthose of you guys who actually stay to the end I don't know I don't know truefam right there gets a little giveawayso in order to enter this giveaway allyou have to do is be subscribed to mychannel right here right now I hope youguys already are if you're staying tillthe endum and comment your favorite drink fromservice because I'm about to go to Starbucks right now and get me a littledrink drinkso yeah call me your favorite drink fromStarbucks be subscribed and that's allyou got to do I will pick a winner abouta week or not about one week from theday that this article goes live so if youwant to win this just just do thosethings and I have been sprinkling theselittle give aways but I'm going to bedoing lots more because I have so muchstuff that I want to give back to you guys and thank you guys for always youknow showing your support and showingyour love and watching my articles andeverything because it really reallyreally really does mean everything to meand you guys mean everything to me sothat is going to be it for this articlegive it a thumbs up if you liked it ifyou find it helpful I really hope youguys do find it helpful like I said I'lllist all the products and the brushesthat I mentioned down below in thedescription box in case you guys want tocheck anything out and I think that'sgoing to be it for me remember you orbeautiful inside and out I love you guysso much and I'll see you next time yesanother thing if you kind of take yourlittle fringe at the front here and kindof like spring or face that's anotherthing that can actually help to create the illusion of a slimmer face I don'tknow why but I have noticed that when Ido that so that's why a lot of timesI'll wear my hair like this with likelittle bits at the front because I feellike it helps to create that you knownice slim down illusion look at me I'mnot even giving makeup tips anymore I'mover here giving heritage you know justdoing whatI'm just kidding
hello guys so today I am very excited because I've been wanting to do this article for a whileso we are going to be teaching you I'mgoing to be teaching you how to kind of slim down a round face as you can see Ido have a round face and I feel like myface fluctuates a lot depending on youknow what I eat how much I'm sleepingyada yada yadaI really feel like that kind of stuffaffects my face so I've kind ofdeveloped my own little techniques andideas on how to slim my face as best asI see fit so I kind of want to share that with you because I know I mean Ifeel like a lot of you probably have you know you know maybe similar face shapeto me that like to watch my articles orsimilar coloring or something I don'tknow I feel like I have to be relatablein some way or form to you guys for youguys to want to watch my articles so forthose of you this is for those of youthat do have round faces this isdefinitely going to be a helpful article I think I hope because I'm going to begoing through the products that I usespecific techniques that I do and alsospecific tools because tools are soimportant I don't know how many times I could stress that honestly not enoughbecause they're very very very very important so finding the right brushesthe right kind of brushes the rightshape brushes you know all that jazzwe're going to be going over all of thattwo days so if you're excited just keepwatching don't forget to pleasesubscribe to my channel if you want tosee more of my articles I am doing a hugedrugstore series on my channel right nowso if you are liking if you likedrugstore makeup and you want to see alot of drugstore articles then you knowcome on over to the little fambamjoin the party over here and yeah soalright let's get started first off Iwant to talk about the type of productsthat I'm going to be using so we aregoing to be going over contouringbronzing highlighting and blush thoseare the steps of the face that I thinkcan really really make or break a makeuplooks so for me I typically tend toreach for powder so that's what I'mgoing to be using in this article if youdo like creams there's no problem withthat if you find that easier to workwith cream based products definitely youcan go ahead and do that and you canpretty much use this atips and tricks that I'm going to beshowing you guys this look weird thatlittle little fishtail back there youcan pretty much use the same techniquesthat I'm going to be sharing with youguys with cream products but yeah for meI like to use powders most of the timeso we are going to start off withcontour now contouring it can changeyour face shape tremendously I feel likea lot of us already know that by now butthere are definitely different ways tocontour and I feel like a lot of times Isee people contouring the exact same wayno matter what their face shape is whichI don't think is the most beneficial wayI mean it can definitely give you somemore definition but it's not going to bethe most effective way to slim down yourface if you have a round face shape sothe product that I'm going to be usingtoday to contour is one of my favoriteproducts of all time so this is maccosmetics shapes or sculpting powderit's just in a single little pin that Iput into this palette but that is theactual product and I Willis all theproducts down below in case you want tocheck them out or if you're interestedin the exact products that I'm using buthonestly any contouring palette that youhave at home will do or even anycontouring shade a couple really niceones are the NYX NYX contouring palettethe ABH contour palette is really goodand the Kat Von D pat very very good allthree of those but yeah this is what I'mgoing to be using so I think thatbrushes are one of the most importantthings to take into consideration whenyou are contouring and now I don't thinka lot of people talked about this and Idon't know why because it makes such adifference so there are tons ofdifferent shaped contouring brushes asyou guys probably know these are mythree favorite shapes that I reach forthe mostso the first one is this one this isactually the one that I use on most daysso this is the Sigma small contour fo5 Ilove that has like a rounded brush and Ithink kind of like buff in the productand really really get that sculptedcheekbones look the second one that Ireally like is actually the morphe r8and most circumstances I don't like thebrushes that are super flat like thisfor my face shape or for round faceshapes in general but this one I likebecause it's not synthetic it's anatural hair bristle brush natural hairbristles brushyou guys know what I mean but because ofthat it actually blends in the powder ispretty smoothly so I like this one a lotand then the last one my ride-or-die Mac168 this is such a amazing contouringbrush this is not really I don't thinkthis is really meant for contouring Imean it might be I don't really know youknow makeup is makeup and there's rulesbut they are to be broken but this oneis personally one of my favorite brushesI would say these two are the ones thatI reach for the mostout of any of it there was a time whereI would not put this down like probablysix months where I never use anothercontour brush so very solid options bothof these and the more if you want aswell just depends kind of what shapeyou're looking for but I would recommendany three of these shapes I'm going totry to show you one that I would notrecommend so I would not recommendsomething like this for contouring justbecause you want to stay away fromanything too fluffy and too wide becausethat is going to really make too harshof lines so definitely stay away fromanything like that and you'll be good togoI think for today I will use the Islewhich I use out of these two I love bothof these so much so it's really hard forme to choose okay I think I'm going touse this one so the Sigma smile contourI take a little bit of the productI do tap off the excess just so that wedon't get too much and then I'll juststart going in on my cheekbones and thetrick to contouring for a round face isnot to bring it too much towards thenose so you want to stop it about maybehalfway towards the eye I find that thatmakes the best shape if you bring it intoo much it will actually make your facelook shorter thus making it look moreround so definitely don't take it toofar in as you may see in like somediagrams that that are all overInstagram I only recommend taking ittowards maybe half the eye at most andwhen you're contrary you always want tobe blending upwards or blendingbackwards towards the ear so that is thebest way to get that kind of swooped uplook that we're all going for and ifyou're blending inward you are going tokind of be closing out the face a littlebit more so those are kind of like mytechniques on how to get the contourexactly perfect and you definitelydefinitely definitely do not want totake it too wide as wellif youknow much about contouring andhighlighting you know contouring is whatbrings stuff in highlighting is whatbrings us out look at me like thisbecause okay my nail broke these are myreal nails too so I'm like really upsetbecause what do I do now like do I justcut all them or do I just get a steaknow put on just a pinkie and then justlet it let it be let it live over thereI was so upset when this happened notgoing to lie but anyway so back tocontrary when you are trying to slimyour face you do want to apply contourto the outer corners of the face or theouter edge of the face I should say so Ijust take that same exact brush sameproduct Mac shade stir and I start to goacross the kind of pimples and I blendthis in really close to my hairline anddisperse the product outwards after thatso that it looks very flawless but thisis going to be key in giving you thatslimmed down effect because we want thatall-over crook right on the side sothat's why we are adding a lot ofcontour to those areas you see what adifference that already makes if youjust do this line it will look it willactually widen it because you're makinga line here but not closing it off sothis part is essential I'm telling youit is key as DJ Khaled would say sodefinitely blend it into this cornerover here so that we can you know reallywork to slim down the sides of the faceare you now moving to a board this is amistake that I made for years and Inever really realized that is actuallymaking my face look more round so what Ineed you guys to do right now do not goanother second without doing this neverever ever if you have a round face ifyou have a different shape face this isactually perfectly fine but if you havea round face do not put bronzer orcontour right in the middle here youwant to keep it only on the sides of theface because if you put it here it willshrink down your face and thus make itlook more round if you put it here it'sagain going to have a slimming effectmaking it look a little bit longer andyou know let's round so what I'm goingto do I'm literally still using the samebrush the same powder and I just goahead and kind of buff that powder okaylittle heavy-handed there but I just goahead and kind of like buff that powderinto the sides of the temple here and Iwill sometimes take like a biggerfluffier powder brush and just kind ofbuff out the edges of this guy justbecause obviously on the forehead youdon't want it to be too harsh because itcan look a little crazy sometimes butlike I said do not mark my words do notput anything right here because it willmake your face look more round and whilewe're here I do go ahead and contour thenose although you know this may not havelike a direct impact on the actual faceshape it does kind of just slimeverything down so I do recommendcontouring the nose if you guys want meto do like a separate article just oncontouring the nose or like maybecontouring the nose for beginners orsomething like that I could totally dothat because I feel like that's justlike a article in itself but next we aregoing to move to bronzers now bronzersfor me I use it mostly to blend out thecontour and just add some more warmthinto the face but it really does have abig effect on the sliminess of the faceas well because of where you place thebrowser so you can use any bronzer thatyou like really anything you have onhand there's tons of amazing runners outthere this is what I've been usingrecently the Maybelline fit me matte andporeless foundation I really like usingfoundation powder foundations asbronzers because it just gives you alittle bit more coverage and just areally flawless finish especially thisone so let me talk about brushes realquick these are the two brushes that Ireach for the mostfor bronzers and I know they're verydifferent shapes but they are bothbeautiful in their own right so this oneis the japonesque blush brush i believebut it's great for bronzer it has a nicetaper tip it does have natural hairbristles which are the best for powdersin my opinion and you can just kind oflike blend it out blend it out and it'sgood to gothis one is a definitely a ride-or-diebrush for me I love this brush more thanlife itself okay I'm being overdramaticthere but I really love this brush thisis the Mac cosmetics 135 and the reasonI love this there are tons of bronzerbrushes who I'm getting tongue-tiedthere's tons of bronze bronzer brusheson the market that are have the domeshape but this one in particular I likebecause it is actually thin so you canhave aprecise application and when you have around face I'm telling you girl or boyor you know whoever's out there that hasa round base that wants to swim it downit will definitely make a differencelike look at the difference betweenthese two there this is almost halfsized and I'm telling you for precisionyou're going to want to have somethinglike this so this is what I'll be usingtoday and I just take it into thebronzer that I'm going to be using todayand I go ahead and start blending out sowhat you want to do as far as theplacement of the bronzer you want toplace it directly above where you putthe contour down and start to blend outthe edges of the contour and start towarm up the face do not under anycircumstances take this bronzer too farup towards the middle of the face ortowards the eye that is going to roundout the face even more you definitelydon't want that so you want to keep itat a precise level if that makes senseso that's what I'm saying about thebrush it's really important to use abrush that allows you to get thatprecision but still blend out thecontour as best as possible at thispointa lot of people will actually go in andbake right here I'm sure a lot of youhave seen that you know on Instagram andYouTube I do not find that that worksbest for my shape or my face shape Idefinitely don't because again that isgoing to be almost like shrinking thelength of our face which we don't wantif we want it to look slimmer and lessround so if you go like this you can seeit's just cutting off like a little bitof your cheeks so that's why I actuallylike to take my contour a little bitmore down on an angle so I just wantedto quickly mention that because I'm notgonna be doing that you know if anythingI say it does work for you for somereason then for sure definitely go aheadand keep doing it but I'm just sharingkind of like my tips and what I find toreally work the best for me so favoritepart coming up coming at ya we're goingto do some highlighting so I'm going tobe using this jus a highlighter in theshade citrine and then the Sigmastrobing fan at 40 - you guys know thisis my favorite highlighter brush becauseagain I just like brushes that allowedme to have precision while still givingme maximum pigmentation of the productsso I just take this on to my littlebrush like so the biggest thing I findwith highlighting is younot want to make a stripe from here tohere like you see a lot of time you knowon Instagram and wherever I see so manygirls and it looks beautiful on themdon't get me wrong it looks amazingmaking this kind of like stripes ofhighlighter but seriously guys for methat does not work whatsoever becauseagain you're highlighting this outercorner or this outer part of the faceand that is going to then widen the faceespecially in pictures when you'retaking pictures with flash photographywell I've done that and it is nextpretty because it's like literally likejust widening widening my face I meanit's popping the highlights popping butthe fit my face looks so much more roundbecause I have the highlighter goingwider out so what I found to work bestis to take the highlighter and almostapply it right definitely right on thetip that's like where I want the mosthighlight the most pop to be the mostwilling but I take it and I almost makelike a little C shape I do put a littlebit on the brow bone so I make a littleC shape like this do not take it outtowards this area because that willdefinitely widen it like I just said sohere we go I'm going to be doing itshowing you a little example I'm makinga little C shape towards the brow bonefilling in the brow bone and thenbringing the product back down andblending this out don't you know feelfree to blend it out and make sure thatit looks nice and flawless but like Isaid don't try to take it too widebecause again highlighter is going towiden the look of your face and I dolike to highlight right down the tip ofthe nose as well as down the middle ofthe nose because I just feel like itcompletes the look I'm not going to saythat this is going to you know make orbreak the shape of your face by anymeans but I feel like it just kind ofyou know add to that slim down effectlast thing that I wanted to touch uponin this article blush now you may notthink that blush has too much to do witha girl it does so again I've made thismistake a million and one times that'swhy I know that it doesn't look great inpictures or I wouldn't say it doesn'tlook great but it definitely doesn'thelp in the matter if you're trying tomake your face look slimmer so what Ilike to do with a blush firstif you do have a rounder face I findthat rosier blushes actually do help outa little bit more than nude blusheshonestly you have you know me I lovenudes i would wear news every day of mylife if I could and I still do I stilldo wear nude blushes a lot because Iprefer them but as far as like picturesgo if you know that you're going to beyou know in photography or taking adriver's license picture or a passportpicture something like that I definitelywould recommend going with like a rosyor blush school pictures sugar oh goshyeah okay so I'm going to be using thisTarte cosmetics blush it's in the shadeslush and the brush that I'm using is aMac 137 now again you can see kind oflike a pattern in my brush options orlike my brush picks because I always gofor brushes that have precision and thatI can just get directly into the spotswhere I want them so I'm taking a littlebit of this product and I just like topop it right on the apples it reallyhelps when you smile a little bit likedo a little half smile and it can kindof find the apples of your cheeks and Iblend backwards now the trick is again Idon't like to take the blush too closeinto the middle of the face to close thenose so I like to keep it almost wherethat blush are sorryalmost where that bronzer ended right inthe middle of the eye and again blendingbackwards but not going too far outtowards the hairline and voila we haveslimmed out our face so these are thetechniques that really have worked forme I feel like they work really wellhonestly because I've tried everythingI've tried anything because like I saidmy face shape is actually like one of mybases security so um yeah I just I feellike this works for me so I hope it doeswork for you guys and you know helps youguys out if you are dealing withconfidence issues based on your faceshape like I have really dealt with inthe past and yeah also I wanted to do alittle giveaway so I'm going to begiving away the Oprah nikkietutorialscollection you get three liquid lips anda bomb-ass highlighter if you haven'ttried overs highlighters they are amazing like one of the best four Mo'sI've ever tried rodea dry you already know that was my fave but I wanted to give you guys this little gift not gift wellyeah it's a gift for me to you but I just wanted to do another little give away because I don't know I like tobe please like surprise giveaways they're like sneak attacks you guysdon't know what's coming and I usually just sprinkled in either like in themiddle or the end of the article so youknow you got like you don't stay tunedand it's really only going to be forthose of you guys who actually stay to the end I don't know I don't know truefam right there gets a little giveawayso in order to enter this giveaway allyou have to do is be subscribed to mychannel right here right now I hope youguys already are if you're staying tillthe endum and comment your favorite drink fromservice because I'm about to go to Starbucks right now and get me a littledrink drinkso yeah call me your favorite drink fromStarbucks be subscribed and that's allyou got to do I will pick a winner abouta week or not about one week from theday that this article goes live so if youwant to win this just just do thosethings and I have been sprinkling theselittle give aways but I'm going to bedoing lots more because I have so muchstuff that I want to give back to you guys and thank you guys for always youknow showing your support and showingyour love and watching my articles andeverything because it really reallyreally really does mean everything to meand you guys mean everything to me sothat is going to be it for this articlegive it a thumbs up if you liked it ifyou find it helpful I really hope youguys do find it helpful like I said I'lllist all the products and the brushesthat I mentioned down below in thedescription box in case you guys want tocheck anything out and I think that'sgoing to be it for me remember you orbeautiful inside and out I love you guysso much and I'll see you next time yesanother thing if you kind of take yourlittle fringe at the front here and kindof like spring or face that's anotherthing that can actually help to create the illusion of a slimmer face I don'tknow why but I have noticed that when Ido that so that's why a lot of timesI'll wear my hair like this with likelittle bits at the front because I feellike it helps to create that you knownice slim down illusion look at me I'mnot even giving makeup tips anymore I'mover here giving heritage you know justdoing whatI'm just kidding
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