How To Create Drop Shipping Website Using Shopify.Sarah: Hey, I'm Sarah from Wholesale Ted and in this video, I'm gonna give you a step-by-steptutorial on how to create a dropshipping store using Shopify.And using a platform called Oberlo to semi-automate the dropshipping fulfillment process.If you wanted to create your own automated dropshipping store then this is a great option.It doesn't completely automate it, but it greatly streamlines the process for you.This is gonna be an 11-step process.And for each step, I'm gonna switch to my computer screen and give you exact step-by-stepinstructions so that you can follow along.And here are the 11 different steps that I will be going through.One, I'll be teaching you how to create a free account with Shopify using your 14-daytrial.Number two, I'll be showing you how to select and install a great-looking theme.Three, I'll teach you how to customize your website theme so that it looks great.Number four, I'll teach you how to install the plug-in, Oberlo, which lets you see meautomate the dropshipping process.Number five, I'll show you to use Oberlo to find great products to sell in AliExpressand then add them quickly and easily to your store.Number six, I'll teach you how to group your items into collections so that potential customerscan easily navigate your store and pick the products that they want to buy.Number seven, I'll teach you how to customize your settings including teaching you how toset up your free-shipping option.Number eight, I'll show you how to create an about us and a contact us page.
Number 9, I'll teach you how to add a custom menu and number 10, I'll teach how to completeyour site by adding a custom domain.And finally number 11, I'll teach you how to remove your storefront password so thatyou can start making sales and earning money.And I've got a bonus at the end of my video.I'm gonna order an item from my store and then fulfill it using the platform Oberloso that you can see how it semi-automates the process.If you wanna follow along for free, click on the link in the video description belowto get your free 14-day Shopify trial.A quick disclaimer, in the video description, there are affiliate links.If you use them, it would be greatly appreciated.Here at Wholesale Ted, we don't charge for our video content.All of our videos are free so when you use the affiliate links, it helps us to createnew videos.So your support is greatly appreciated.I'm gonna switch over to my computer now and give you a quick preview of the site thatwe are about to build.All right.So this is a site we're gonna build.Here, you can see we've got a cart, we've got a logo, and we've got a menu.And I'll show you how to open up one of the collections that I'll teach you how to make.This one here is a collection for coffee mugs.So you can see I've put the coffee mug set the site has on there.And if you scroll down, I'll show you more some of the design.I'll teach you how to create this banner, which has images that change and it looksreally nice and professional.And we've got content on this homepage.I'll teach you how to add this popular product section and how to create this [inaudible00:02:47] like that.Now, I'm gonna open up one of the products that I've created that I'll teach how to add,by the way.So you come here.You can you see it looks very nice, professional.We've got images and we've got tons of content, and I'll teach you how to add content likethis.And we can change the images so customers can see them, and I'll teach you how to addvariations.And just to show that it works, we can add this product to cart and we can check out.And I set this site up so that it's checkout with PayPal and I'll teach how to do all ofthat as well.
So this is the site.Let's get started.All right.So let's jump straight into it.Step one, create an account for free using the Shopify 14-day trial.Let me switch over to my computer screen and show you exactly how to do this.All right.So now, we're gonna set up a free 14-day trial.And remember, I've got a link to how you can do this in the video description below.So I've already created an email account for my site, which is gonna be called Brewed Treatsand it's gonna be a coffee store.So here, you just put in the password that you're going to use and you're gonna enteryour store name.Now, for the email address that you use, I would suggest that you pick one that is aPayPal email...Or an email that you've got for a PayPal account already, if you have one because of the factthat it's gonna make it a little bit easier down the road.But if you don't have a PayPal account or you wanna use a new email address, that'sfine.You'll be able to set up a PayPal account with the new email address that you're goingto use.So here, we've got a survey that really doesn't matter what you put in it.It's just for Shopify so who cares?It's not relevant to you.So here, you need to put in your address.Put in your actual address because this is going to be connected to your payment details.I have blurred out my personal private details here because I don't want you guys to, obviously,know where I live and things like that.You know, I completely trust you all but I still probably should keep that private.So I hope you don't mind.So just fill this out here and yeah.And then very shortly, we will get started.So now, it's just signing us up here and we're done.Let's move on to the next step.Step number two, install a great-looking theme.We're gonna install the theme minimal.Let me switch over to my computer screen show you exactly how to do this.Okay.So let's install a new theme.Click online store and then you should already be on the theme's tab.Now, we're gonna scroll down the page because we're gonna find this cool button called explorefree themes.This is gonna let us find a free theme to use.So I personally really like the theme minimal so I'm gonna teach you how to you use minimal.So click on that.Once you've clicked on that, you're gonna have three styles to choose from.You can choose either vintage, or you can choose the music one, or you can choosethe fashion one.Personally I like the music tab so we're gonna click that one.I'm sorry, not tab, design.So click install minimal.Now, we're gonna have to publish the theme.When you install a theme, it does not, by default, change over the theme.You have to click publish theme to your online store.So come up here and click that button and then click publish, and then you're done.And now it's time to move on to the next step.Step number three, we're gonna customize our website theme.Let me switch over to my computer and show you exactly how to do it.Okay.So now we're gonna edit the design and the homepage.So come to online store and make sure you're on themes.Now, come and click customize theme and I'll show you all the exact options that youwant to follow.So the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna edit the header.So click on the header.Now, you need to upload your logo.I've already got a logo that I've created.I created this logo for free and I'll have to link to the logo creator that I used inthe video description below so that you can save the a bit of money there .And then what I recommend that you do is you come down and you click center main menubelow logo because I personally think it looks really nice like that, and then clicksave.And then after that, we're done with the header, and we're gonna move on to the next sectionwhich I think is the slide show.Yes it is, it's a slide show.So click on slide show.Here, you're gonna add in your images to the little slide show.I recommend you click show slide indicator dot so that people know how many slides you'vegot.Now, I've already got some slides I've created in advance.If you don't know what images to add to this, keep in mind that the products that you'reselling through AliExpress have images.So you can use those images for your slides because of the fact that the AliExpress supplierslets you use their images.So don't worry if you don't have any professional images to add yourself, you can just use theirstock images that they've created, and advertise the products that you're selling through that.And you can even paste a link to the product pages.As you can see, I haven't done that for mine but you could do that as well.So now that we've done the slide show, let's head over to the next section.We're gonna talk about your brand.So this is where you're gonna add content.Now, I've already created some content in advance so that you don't have to watch metype out some content.This content has been a little SEO optimized.So I tried to, kind of, optimize it around coffee accessories, as though I was actuallycreating a store myself.And I'm just gonna copy and paste in my content here.I don't like to make it too much for the homepage.I don't try to SEO out the homepage too much just because of the fact that it's difficultto do that while keeping it look nice.So, click save there, and then we're gonna head back, and we're gonna go to the featuredcollection.
Feature collection, I'll teach you how to set this up fully later on.Now, keep all that as is but change the heading.Like I'm gonna put in popular products.You could put in something like hot products or whatever you like.And so once you've done that, click save.Oh, oh, sorry, nope, there are some other things you need to do.Click show product so circle and then I'd also recommend that you send to the text belowproduct images because I think it looks really nice that way, and so then click save.And then once we've done that, the only thing we need to do, I believe, is to edit the footer.Now, I'm gonna remove this latest news section.The latest news section is the blog.I'm not gonna teach you how to bother with the blog because of the fact that, oh, that'smaybe for another tutorial.So delete leave the blog now.I'm gonna delete the social icons.Only delete this if you don't have any.I don't have any social pages for Brewed Treats so I'm gonna remove them.But if you've got some, any of them, keep the section and add them here.But I don't have them so I'm gonna delete them.I'll teach how to set up the link section later on and you definitely wanna keep thenewsletter.So, that's it.We have customized our store and now it's time to move on to the next step.Step number four, installing Oberlo in your Shopify store.Let me switch over to my computer screen and show you exactly how easy it is to do.Okay.So now, we're gonna add Oberlo.So come click on apps and then from here, you can scroll down because Oberlo shouldshow up here.Click Oberlo.If it doesn't, I'll have a link to how you can find this page in the video descriptionbelow.So come and once you're here and you've loaded up, click get.Now, just come in and type in your store's URL and log in here.It should already be there.So click log in and just let that load up.Oberlo is extremely nifty.So come and click install app and now it will install it on your Shopify store.And we're gonna have to make some edits in the settings.So what you should do is you should come and click on this little tab here, which willbe your settings tab.Now, what you should do is come and click on shop settings, this button here.All right.So what you wanna do is you wanna click order updates.From here, what I suggest that you do is that when a product disappears, that you unpublishthe product and that you click notify me.So now you need to go down here.So when a variant disappears, I recommend that you remove it and that you click notifyme.When the cost changes, I recommend that you probably do nothing.But that you should definitely see that so that it notifies so that you can change theproduct price to make sure that you're not making a loss.And then when inventory changes, I recommend that you update automatically.And then just click save settings, and that's it.You've installed Oberlo.Step number five, add products to your store using Oberlo.Let me switch over to my computer screen and show you how it simplifies the process.Okay, so let's add some products into our store.So come and click apps and from here, we're gonna go and select Oberlo.Because Oberlo makes it extremely easy to add products using AliExpress.So let's come up here at this tab and we're gonna click search products.Now, I already know what products I wanna add.You can search through and find ones if you don't know.You can type in keywords to see.But I wanna add a self-stirring mug so I'm just gonna type it in here and then clicksearch.And Oberlo is gonna search for products related to this keyword.So let's scroll down and see what we've got.This here is the mug that I want but, you know, there are other sellers, you can see.But we're gonna click add to import list.And then from here, I'm gonna add another product in.Yeah, I'm gonna add a travel lens mug because I think that would be nice for this example.So you'll be able to see that there are multiple sellers for that there.So I mean the top one has had 19 sales in the past 3 days.But you can see that Oberlo lists other ones, other smaller sellers in order.But I'm gonna click the most popular seller which has had 72 sales so add to import list.And then I'm gonna come up here and we're gonna click on this tab here import list.Now from here, we're gonna be able to edit some details.So, first of all, we're gonna change the product name.Because as you can see, it just imports the exact, same product name that the seller hason AliExpress from the listing.So you're gonna need to modify this.So I've already created some content in advance, as you can see, that I've added to this notepad.So I'm going to change this and I'm also gonna add this to my homepage collection.This means it's gonna show up on my homepage, in my popular products section that I addedwhich will be nice and handy.
And I'm gonna add this Whirlpool self-stir mug and sorry.Sorry, my mouse is very bad.This is not Oberlo messing up this, like messing up the scrolling of the page, that is my mouse.So I've added this also to my homepage.Now, I'm gonna edit the description.So as you can see, it's just like straight imported the description from the AliExpresspage.So I've already created my own custom one that is very SEO optimized.So I'm just gonna post it in here.So this might be a bit boring so feel free to skip ahead if you don't like watching this.I'm just gonna edit this using the Word editor here to make it look nice.I'm gonna add in some bullet points and I'm going to bold some text and everything sothat it's easy to read.One little quick tip, if you don't know what to write for your item description, is tosee if the product is listed on Amazon.If the product is listed on Amazon, then use the Amazon listing as a basis for writingyour own description.Sorry, my mouse is messing up again.This is not Oberlo.This is my computer mouse that is messing up my scrolling.So, I used the Amazon listing for this item to help me write this description.And using Amazon listings, as a whole, as a basis for designing your layout and howyou word everything, like it's really good.Like you know, how Amazon sets it up so that at the very top of the listing, you see bulletpoints and then you see a description.Like Amazon have tested their conversions and they know how to create a high-convertingproduct listing.So see, like you could probably an even higher-converting product listing if you didn't care about SEOoptimizing it.But if you care about SEO optimizing your listing and you wanna add lots of texts toit, I would suggest that you take a page out of Amazon's book.And use their design with the bullet points and everything like that when adding yourlisting.So all of my descriptions here have at least 500 words.I'd recommend that if you care about SEO and I've got a 1% to 2% keyword density.If you don't know what any of that is means, don't worry.There are so many other ways in SEO to get traffic to your stores.SEO is my search engine optimization for those that don't know.It's my traffic of chose as the subscribers here at Wholesale Ted know.But I've got so many friends that are killing it, making hundreds of thousands of dollarsevery month using paid traffic with Facebook, and Instagram, and things like that.So paid traffic is really the way to go if you've got money to spend and if you're willingto learn.So don't think that you need to make these listings SEO optimized.And, oh, depending on your traffic strategy, it won't even matter.So let's come here and we will now edit the variants because we're done here.So like you can see here that this product here has to two variants.It's got a white one and a black one.Will I keep it?Will I won't?Like I think that I'll untick the white one for now.So come here to this variant.Actually, like, look at this here.So this self-stir mug has three variants.I'm gonna actually untick these two.And what I'll do is I'll show you how to create a variant with the travel lens mug.So we'll keep those two variants.So that's how you do it.That's how you can untick variants that you don't wanna sell.You can click change your prices if you've got multiple variants and you click selectany value.So I will type in a price here.There you go with like $19.99 there.Now, this is cool.So I'm gonna show you how to create a product on sale.So this is gonna be $24.99 and so you'll see that there will be a price bubble, a salebubble saying it's on sale because it used to be $24.99.So, I'm gonna come in and edit this price and we'll set this one to be $19.95.And actually, like I was gonna put this one on sale but what I'll do is I'll set it sothat it's actually on nothing.So that you'll see what our product looks like if it doesn't have on-sale bubble.So come here to images.So the images are already automatically added in through AliExpress, and some of them willbe ticked and some of them won't be.So you can untick the ones you don't want.I'm gonna tick the images that I want to add.I personally like the Amazon rule of only having...or not...I like all of my images on my front page, on the front page of any collection page,over homepage to only have white backgrounds, I'd recommend you do that.But outside of that, you could select any of these images that you wanted.Personally, I really like images that I like to just keep it so that it's just white background.So it's possible because I think it looks really nice but it's up to you.
So I'm deselecting the images here that I don't want.And so, yeah, I think that I'll keep those.And now come and click push all products to shop. And what Oberlo is gonna do is it's just gonna add all these products to your store.Yeah.So now, if you come here, I will show you by bringing up my page here, my site and I'llclick on this one.And you'll see what product page we just created.So here we go, it's on sale, and we've got different variants here that you can click,black, white.And we've got different images, and if you click on them, it'll change what the imageof it here is.And as you can see, the white background looks nice but it's entirely up to you.And we've got the description that I entered in.So that's really nice, and yeah.Oh, sorry, my mouse is messing up again.Click on this one here and so here we go.We've got this one, we've got some images.And this one is not on sale, so this is what it looks when it's not on sale, and you don'tset a comparison price.And we've got the description there.Okay.So I've added some more products for you.You can see I've pushed them to my store with Oberlo and I've added some coffee spoons.So if you come here to the product tab of Shopify, you'll see the different productsthat I've added.And I've also added some mixture coffee mugs.Coming here to the homepage, you'll see that I've added some products to the homepage collection.So now it's showing up on our homepage and making that look really nice.Coming to my catalogue, you'll see all different items I've added here as well showing up.So, that's all good.Let's move on to the next step.Step number six, organize your products into collections.Let me switch over to my computer screen and show you exactly how to do it.Okay.So let's turn our products into collections.So come here and click products and click collections.So come up here to this button, create collection.So this here lets you categorize your items.I'm gonna create a category for coffee mugs so that people can easily browse through mycoffee mugs.Now, keep all of this blank but come and select manually select products.So again, keep everything else blank and then come and click save collection.Now here, I'm gonna come in and select my different coffee mugs.So I'll add this one and...oop.And then I'll add this one, and this one, and I've got one more coffee mug to add.So come and collect this one.And now, it's added my coffee mugs to this collection and it's automatically saved it.So come and click create another collection and add whatever collection is next for you.I've got coffee spoon so I'm gonna create coffee spoons and I'm gonna come down hereand select, manually select products.And keep everything else blank and then click save collection.
And then I'm gonna come in and add my coffee spoons.So this one here, this one here, this one here, and this one here, and it will automaticallysave this.So that's done.Let's move on to the next step.Step number seven, customize our store settings.Now, we're gonna be customizing very important settings such as the payment gateways andthe shipping.So let me switch over to my computer screen and show you exactly how to do this.So let's edit the settings.Come here and click the settings tab.The first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna edit the payment.So come click payments.Now, you'll see that it's set up automatically with PayPal.And we'll use the email address that you've created your store with.If that is not an email address associated with the PayPal account, they will email youwith instructions on how to set up a PayPal merchant account with that.So you can then add other ways of accepting payments and credit cards.What I suggest that you use is you use PayPal and Shopify payments.I can't use Shopify payments because it's not eligible for me because I live in NewZealand.But if you are eligible, use Shopify payments.Otherwise, just stick with PayPal.So keep those in mind.And also, you can modify your PayPal email address by clicking on edit if you've gota different PayPal account.So now, let's click on checkout.So I'm gonna set it so that accounts are optional.It is your choice and then come down here.And I'm gonna keep all of that as is.So I'm gonna select it so that customers, by default, receive promotional emails becausepromotional emails are excellent for making more sales.Because subscribers here at Wholesale Ted should know that I'm very much interestedin making sales and making money.So Shopify had this neat thing where you can generate a sample refund policy.I think it's great.I think you should make sure that there's a clause in there saying that you can onlyreturn faulty products.So do that there.You can only return faulty products.And maybe make it less than 30 days, it's up to you.So generate sample privacy policy and then come and generate sample terms of servicepolicy.And then just come and click save.So the next tab we're gonna switch over to is the shipping tab.Shopify had some shipping options setup by default to make it easy but we're gonna comein and delete all of those.So come and click the first one, the domestic one which .
Like for me it's set up for New Zealand because Shopify knows I live in New Zealand that it'llbe whatever country is your domestic country.So come and click delete zone, just delete shipping zone.So I'm gonna come in and delete this rest of the world zone.Now, what we're gonna do is we're gonna set up free shipping because of the fact thatfree shipping is a really great way to upsell a customer.Well not upsell but to get them excited.It's much easier if you just call everything free shipping and add shipping into...or absorbthe shipping into the price of your item.So just increase the price of your item.So come and type in free shipping here for the zone name.And, of course, you may just use the free shipping option of AliExpress.If you're you using ePacket though, just absorb the price of the item.You just come and select whichever countries you wanna sell to.I'm just gonna select these three.Maybe you wanna sell everywhere.Maybe you wanna only sell to the people in the United States.Maybe you only wanna sell to English-speaking countries, it's up to you.So come and click price base rates.So what you wanna do is you wanna come and click this tab and...Oop, sorry.We need to add a name.We'll call this free shipping so that the customers can see that they've got free shipping.And so have that tab, or that little box ticked and keep everything else as zero.Those will mean that every item in your store is eligible for free shipping, which again,may not actually be free.But we're gonna absorb the price if we're using ePacket into the price of the itemssince the ePacket shipping price is so low already.So the other thing you may wanna do is modify the taxes section if it's relevant to youand you need to collect sales tax.I have a free video which teaches you how to do this in the video description below.Well, I've linked to it in the video description below.So you can check that out as well if necessary.Step number eight, we're pad out our store and add a contact us page and an aboutus page.Let me switch over to my computer screen and show you exactly how to do it.Cool.So let's add some pages to our site.
So what we're gonna do is we're gonna come over to online store and click pages.And then come up here and click the add page button.And from here, type in to the title, about us because we're gonna create an about uspage.Which is gonna help give us some authority and make our site look, you know, bigger.So I've already got some content that I'm just gonna copy and paste in here.Now, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add an image.So here's how you add an image in using this rich text editor.So click this button here and I'm just gonna use my logo as an example and click.Is there an image?Yeah, I'll change the size to be medium and then I'll click insert image.And so you can see here that the text is not wrapped round the image so...Oop, sorry, my mouse is causing problems.What you wanna do is you wanna double-click the image and then click wrap text aroundimage.So this little check button here.And you can add extra spacing.You can see that spacing thing.I didn't.I probably should have but remember that you can add extra spacing around the image soit's not hard up against the image.And then come and click save.So I'll give you a preview of what it looks like so we'll just click view and we'll openup in different tabs.So here you go.You can see my little page.Remember, add some spacing around that image.And so just create a nice, little about us page.And now we're gonna create a contact us page.So come and click create another page and this one is even simpler.So just type in contact us here.And then come to template and select then after that, click save and it's going to automatically generate a contactus page for us.So let's just preview that page and here you go, a little contact us form.You didn't have to do any coding.It just did it for you.Step number nine, creating a custom navigation menu.I'm even gonna teach you how to create a submenu, which is something that confuses a lot ofpeople when they're using Shopify.Let me switch over to my computer screen and show you the step-by-step instructions.Okay.So let's add in a custom menu.Come here to online store and click navigation.All right.So the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna edit the main menu so click edit menu.I'm gonna teach you how to add in your about us page and your contact us page to makeyour top menu look a little bit more filled out.So just come in and type in about us here.And then all you're gonna do is come and select page.Where is it, where is this?Oh, here you go and then click about us and then come and click add menu item andthen we're gonna type in contact us.Remember, that you can add other items.You can add other links to this here if you've got a blog.You can add your blog here and, you know, you can add whatever you like there reallyso.It's entirely up to you.These four items will look nice so.You're just gonna save that menu and then I'll teach you how to make a sub menu forcatalogue to show your different collections.When people put their mouse over the word catalogue in your main navigation, differentcollections are gonna show up under it.
And it's very specific how you do it.So come here and type in catalogue.It has to be catalogue.So type in catalogue.If you've changed the main menu's catalogue name to something else like products.Make sure that you type in products and name.So I'm gonna type in coffee mugs here and click collection and then click coffeemugs.And then click add menu and then type in coffee spoons and then I'm gonna selectthe coffee spoons collection.Remember, remember the name of the sub menu has to match the same name as the button thatyou're creating, a sub menu under it.It will make sense when I show you.So I've called it catalogue because catalogue is the name in the main menu there.So, I'm gonna create some just...put some links in my footer.So here's how you do it.I recommend that you add some pages to your footer links menu to help head out your footer.Remember what I said earlier, if you've got social pages, like a Facebook page, and aTwitter page, and an Instagram page, for your online store.Add them into your footer because it makes your shop look really professional and itadds trust for visitors.So even if you don't have those pages, you should be creating them anyway.You should go and you should create some for your store, and then add them in to your footer.Even if social traffic isn't gonna be your main form of traffic generation, you shoulddefinitely create those pages anyway to create trust.And you can see that you can move these different items around.I'm moving them around here like this.So once I've done that, we'll click save menu.And I'll give you a preview of the menu...Well not preview, I'll show you what a menu is by opening up our store, especially sothat you can see how the sub menu works.So here is the main menu.Now the sub menu here is here.So you can see, I've got the different links to the collections, and then I've got thelinks in the footer.So that's how you add menus.Let's move on to the next step.And step number 10, adding a custom domain name to your store.Let me switch over to my computer screen and show you how it's done.Okay.So let's add a domain name.
So come over to online store and then click domains.So from here, what you wanna do is you wanna click buy new domain.Now, type in the domain name that you're going to buy.I'm gonna buy Brewed Treats Online and then come and select the extension that you want.If you're selling to U.S.A. customers or creating a general store, aimed at multiple countries,click .com And that is easily the best one to select is .com.So come and click that and then click check availability.And mine is available so I'm gonna fill up my credit card information and I'm gonna blurit while I'm doing so.So one piece of advice is if you're selling to a specific country like let's say you'resetting up a store aimed at U.K. residents.If you wanna sell strictly to the United Kingdom, pick the United Kingdom extension so if you're either selling to U.S.A. customers or you're selling worldwide, click .combecause .com is the most trusted domain extension that there is.Another thing to keep in mind is that it may take up to 24 hours for this domain name tobecome live on your store and in the meantime, it's gonna have an error message saying thatit's down.That's fine.Just wait that 24 hours.It's a normal part of the process when you're purchasing a domain name for it to take upto 24 hours to go live for your store.So just come here and click, I have read...And then click buy domain name.And now, we're gonna just go, once this is done, and redirect all of our traffic to you can click redirect all traffic if you like.Again, it may take up to 24 hours so all good.And at that point there, we're done.It's time to move on to the final step.And now the final step, I'm gonna teach you how to remove that password from your storefrontso that customers can flood your site and you can start making sales.Let me switch over to my computer screen and show you how it's done.We're almost done.Now, we just need to remove the password.So come to remove password and come and click pick a plan.So you need to pick a plan and you need to sign up to one to remove the password fromyour store.So, what I suggest that you do is you click the basic Shopify plan.You don't need the more expensive one.Just click, choose this plan.And then come and select bill once a month.If you know you're gonna keep using this and you know, maybe select for every year butfor most people just click once a month and then click confirm changes.And there then you'll have a Shopify account.
And it's already saved your credit card from when you purchased a domain name so you don'tneed to enter it again.Now, you need to go back and add your and get rid of your password.So come back here and click this box here to tick with a password.And by the way to get to it, click online store and click preferences.I forgot to show you there.I just switched to the page.So click online store and then click preferences and scroll down to the password and then removeit.And then you're done.And that is it.We are done.Now, I'm gonna show you how Oberlo semi automates the dropshipping fulfilment process by makinga purchase in my store.And then fulfilling it with Oberlo.Okay.So we're over here at the orders page.Now, I've made purchase for this vintage flower coffee spoon as an example.So to fulfill this, I'm just gonna come this and click order product.Now, this isn't gonna work because I have the Oberlo Chrome App installed.You need to install the Chrome App.What it's doing is automatically adding it to my shipping cart and then it is also automaticallyfilling out the customer's address details that they have provided.So fill that in as...Oh, no, sorry.Let them fill that in for you or let Oberlo fill that in for you.You can see it's filled it in here.I've blurred the details.Then just come down here and leave a message for the seller.Tell them that you want to blind the dropshipping.You don't want any advertising or invoices.So as you can see, this process isn't entirely 100% automated because you still have to doa little bit of manual work when fulfilling the order but it's really, really fast.Hence, it is semi-automated.And then after, this we're gonna select the shipping.You can select whatever shipping you want.I you want ePacket, you can select that.
I'm just gonna select free shipping for this example.And then just come in and fill out your credit card.And I hope that you can see that if you've got a VA, otherwise known as a virtual assistant,fulfilling orders for you once you grow and get bigger.That it's super easy for them and they're not gonna have to do much work with Oberlobecause of the fact that it semi-automates the process for you.So just come in and click done.And then just come and click confirm and pay.And what I'll do is that once this is finished, processing, I'll head back to Oberlo and I'llmark the order as shipped.So that I've got a record in Shopify that it's been shipped.
So just come here click mark as shipped and that's it.We are done.And that's it.In 11 simple steps, we have created our own dropshipping store using Shopify.To get started, simply click on the link in the video description below to get your free14-day trial.If you like this video, I'd appreciate it if you gave it a thumbs up and subscribe toWholesale Ted for more great videos on ecommerce like this.And if you have any questions, please feel free to ask them in the comments section below.Unfortunately, we get quite a lot of comments and questions, which we means we can't answerthem all.But we'll try to answer as many as we can.
And before you go, I've got something else to share with you.Here at Wholesale Ted, we have a free eBook, How to Make $10,000 a Month Online with Dropshipping.If you'd like to download this eBook for free, simply click on the link in the video descriptionbelow.Announcer: Hi there and thanks for watching this video created by us here at WholesaleTed.It is our mission to help everyone start and grow their own online business.And that is why we've created a simple eBook which shows how anyone, yes, even you, canmake up to $10,000 each and every month with dropshipping even if you don't have startupmoney.And best of all, we're giving away this eBook for free and yes, we really mean it, absolutelyfree.So if you'd like to get this potentially life-changing eBook, simply click on the link in this videodescription and get it now.